donderdag 15 september 2022

Astrology for the Soul September 14, 2022

Astrology for the Soul September14, 2022, New Paradigm Astrology 12.507 views, 15 sep. 2022 . Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week : " "There's ways I like to do things, but I don't always have control. So, it's better to surrender, allow and accept, rather than close my mind, heart, and soul". Alright, before we jump to conclusions, let's say this report is about redefining the image many of us carry about just what surrender is. In Hollywood cowboy and war movies, we've been shown surrender to be when the "loser" holds up a white flag and the "winner" takes all. So let's create a new term called "Selective Surrendering." Selective Surrendering says that we can keep our power, perhaps even increase our strength, while at the same time letting go of what is no longer serving us. This can simply be an internal process of "letting go and letting God," or letting go of fear, old limiting beliefs, or a host of other personal issues. On another level, in our relationships, it can have to do with letting go or surrendering CERTAIN expectations, fantasies, hopes, and dreams BUT NOT ALL OF THEM. In business and our social relationships, it can look like surrendering to SOME of the government overreach or our partner's unjust demands, but not giving up, throwing in the towel, or letting them run over us. In general, at this time, we need to get beyond the extremes of "all or nothing," "in or out," and "win or lose," and see that all relationships have to do with compromising (PARTS of ourselves), cooperating, and communicating (more and more the deeper you go). So while these days may be challenging us with various crises in different parts of our lives, these crises can help us define, refine, and clarify our objectives, saving us time in the long run. So hang in there, don't give up the fort, just what's best for the good of all. AS MENTIONED IN THE REPORT... GOT IT AND POSTED IT! NEW ! KAYPACHA UNPLUGGED! Future Conditions on Planet Earth: ✌️ Costa Rica workshop this December! Check out Alanis' "One Hand in My Pocket!" ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: 💌 Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: 🎵 Pele Soundtrack Playlist: TELEGRAM: (public channel) BITCHUTE: SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! CHECK OUT OTHER THUMBNAIL ARTWORK! More of the closing art? Check out Daniel's other work: SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!

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