vrijdag 23 juni 2023

Astrology for the Soul, June 21, 2023

Astrology for the Soul, June 21, 2023 https://youtu.be/vigSHMnek_c New Paradigm Astrology, 129K subscribers,June 22nd,2023
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : “Life on earth is a merry-go-round, orbiting round the Sun. But to truly experience all that I am, I must also go up and down. “
As I read in the Sabian symbol for the first degree of Cancer (where the Sun is today and Mercury will be Monday), this is a time period where personal freedom of choice is favored and supported. The first six signs of the zodiac, Aries through Virgo, are archetypes wherein the evolutionary impulse imparted from the cosmic totality symbolized by Pisces is planted and begins to grow through the personality to be revealed, experienced, and given to the greater whole of society and eventually the universe from Libra through Pisces.
We now have all the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) in the personal signs between Gemini and Virgo this week, not to mention the Moon’s nodes, Jupiter in Taurus and Chiron in Aries. Again, as the Sabian symbol reflects, the collective will overpower the individual in the end. Still, before that time, we have the opportunity to grow independently, develop, and blossom to offer our fruit to benefit the whole. We could almost say that this week demands that we take the helm, steer, decide, and command our future direction. Take a big breath, hold your nose, and jump ! Please don’t say that you don’t have any decisions to make. Every day, every moment, every breath is a decision. An attitude, a belief, a hope, a loss, forgiveness, these are all decisions. Let’s not limit our thinking to materialistic realms where decisions only concern physical outcomes, goals, and relationships. We are forever choosing to evolve, discover deeper aspects of our inner nature, or stagnate. Let’s leap like that water off the mountain and return to the ocean of oneness.
This week’s song is “Feelings”  • Feelings – Morris… 🏹 WORKSHOPS 2023 Join the Star Crew and me somewhere around the world! https://bit.ly/kaypacha-events 💌 Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool 🎵 Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/c-1973525 GIFT STORE: https://bit.ly/astro-shop SUPPORT PELE: paypal.me/NewParadigmAstrology · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !

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