vrijdag 6 januari 2023

Astrology for the Soul January 4, 2023

https://youtu.be/naYfXtOMLok New Paradigm Astrology, 128K Subscribers, 1,1K likes, 13.920 Views, January 4th 2023. Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week : “There's a lot coming at me. So much I need to digest,. I will sit and relax and sort through it all, Trusting myself to do what is best. 💘 Start your new year with THE ASTROLOGY OF RELATIONSHIP online course starting Saturday! I will be live for 4 hours Saturday and Sunday and again on the 21-22nd. This full-on astrology course includes worksheets, handouts, and required reading. While there is more excitement in doing it live within a classroom setting with others, all sessions will be recorded for future listening (and re-listening). Check out all the details and sign up: https://bit.ly/astrology-relationship So yup, we are now concluding/resolving/completing what was begun/initiated nine months ago. This may involve letting go of what has been and completing the purchase/ beginning of something new. One way or the other, it changes our "reality." Secondly, we are beginning a new cycle, a new year. Saturn (and most all the other planets) will now head into new degrees, aspecting new points in your chart, and begin "downloading" your new script for the future. These two converging points in time make these few first weeks of 2023 a little bit of a "nailbiter." Even if we know what is ending, we don't yet know what lies ahead ! Hence the last line of this week's mantra refers to the need to simply, wholly, and completely TRUST ourselves. This will give us the guts, the grit, the confidence, and the power to take off running ! Also, trusting that the wind will fill our sails and our wings will be lifted as we soar to new heights this year. Blessings on your journey ! Wanna chill out? Listen/watch "So Much Magnificence" https://youtu.be/bpdGV8mPA2w 💥 REPLAY! THE TRUTH ABOUT 2023, watch it here: https://bit.ly/truth-2023 💌 Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool 🎵 Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack *** NEW! RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/c-1973525 *** TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology *** SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast *** GIFT STORE: https://bit.ly/astro-shop *** SUPPORT PELE: paypal.me/NewParadigmAstrology · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !

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