donderdag 11 augustus 2022

Astrology for the Soul August 10, 2022

Astrology for the Soul August 10, 2022,, New Paradigm Astrology, 127K subsctibers , 1,6 K Vind ik leuks/ “Likes” , Length 25 Minutes, 16.655 views, 10 aug. 2022. Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week : “The oneness of creation, Now lives in separation. My task is unification, through joyful recreation “ Yes, there is plenty to moan and groan about ! In so many ways, the world looks pretty grim. We are surrounded by dark images and bad news day after day. While there is so much "wrong" with the world, there are a number of different opinions, beliefs, and strategies put forth on the best way to deal with it. I have spoken of the evolutionary stages many times, and more info on these can be found on my website. But for now, let it suffice for me to say that there is no one right way or thing to do, but according to your disposition, the best regular attitude and action is what I have suggested here in the Pele Report. "The best way to fight evil is to make progress toward the good," says the I Ching. What we want to do now is flood the airwaves, soundwaves, ocean waves and all waves with beautiful, joyful, graceful, thankful, and soulful ART. We lift the vibration and heal the wound, not by focusing on the problem as much as the solution - UNITY consciousness. Try it. You'll like it ! I know Neil Young turned on Joe Rogan on Spotify, but in the old days, he made some excellent music and was a major inspiration for me ! Check him out here : You've got to see Damanhur and the Temples of Humanity to believe it ! Check out their website and come on by ! and So Much Love, Kaypacha ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: Pele Soundtrack Playlist: TELEGRAM: (public channel) BITCHUTE: SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE ! CHECK OUT OTHER THUMBNAIL ARTWORK ! CLOSING MUSIC: · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !

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