donderdag 22 juli 2021

Astrology for the Soul July 21, 2021

Astrology for the Soul July 21, 2021, New Paradigm Astrology, 122K abonnees KAYPACHA`S MANTRA FOR THE WEEK : "There is a place beyond right and wrong, I will meet you there. We will sing and dance and play in the sun, like children without a care." Welcome the Sun into the fiery realm of Leo the Lion (hearted) ! Children playing in the Sun is a beautiful reminder of how healing, strengthening and centering simple pleasures can be. Joy sends the blood coursing through our veins just a little bit faster, lighter, and more luminous. Like the laughing Buddha, some good belly laughs lift our spirits higher, and we can feel an incredible lightness of being. Today's mantra was Rumi inspired as he wrote a poem about not just a place but a whole field beyond right and wrong. There is room for everyone and everything under the Sun, and while it is true that we face challenges, obstacles, and perhaps angering limitations, we don't want to forget the creative spirit within. Let's remember the old axiom, "Use it or lose it!" The sheer ability to create expands and grows the more we make ! And if we doubt, feel small, unworthy, and uncreative, surely our thoughts will create that reality ! So let's light up and live ! Let's do a little Ramblin' with the Allman Brothers ! Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends ! Come to my workshop in IBIZA this October !! Come to my workshop in DUBAI this October !! For more astrology with Kaypacha visit : For info on the closing music: Listen to Pele Reports and more of Kaypacha's astrology on Spotify ! · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !

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