donderdag 29 juli 2021

Astrology for the Soul July 28, 2021

Astrology for the Soul July 28, 2021,, New Paradigm Astrology, 122K abonnees Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : "I really need to breathe, and push, and believe, because now is the time to give birth. It's up to me, not he or she, to bring my light to earth. " Honestly, I can't say much more than I did in the Pele Report right now (it was a long one, eh) ! Besides not mentioning La Luna moving through Aries (push), Taurus (make real), and Gemini (spread the good word), I didn't go too much into the T-square of Mercury and the Sun opposite Saturn BOTH squaring Uranus. However, the Sun/Mercury squaring Uranus isn't exact until next week, so you'll have to tune in then, HAHA! For now, I hope you have time to check out "We Have to Come Back" for some inspiration ! Then our song list for this week can start with George Harrison and Paul Simon doing "Here Comes the Sun" "Stuck in the Middle With You" and "Heart of the Sunrise" (love the ending !) So Much Love, Kaypacha. Come to my workshop in IBIZA this October !! Come to my workshops in DUBAI this October !! For more astrology with Kaypacha visit : For info on the closing music: Listen to Pele Reports and more of Kaypacha's astrology on Spotify! · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !

donderdag 22 juli 2021

Astrology for the Soul July 21, 2021

Astrology for the Soul July 21, 2021, New Paradigm Astrology, 122K abonnees KAYPACHA`S MANTRA FOR THE WEEK : "There is a place beyond right and wrong, I will meet you there. We will sing and dance and play in the sun, like children without a care." Welcome the Sun into the fiery realm of Leo the Lion (hearted) ! Children playing in the Sun is a beautiful reminder of how healing, strengthening and centering simple pleasures can be. Joy sends the blood coursing through our veins just a little bit faster, lighter, and more luminous. Like the laughing Buddha, some good belly laughs lift our spirits higher, and we can feel an incredible lightness of being. Today's mantra was Rumi inspired as he wrote a poem about not just a place but a whole field beyond right and wrong. There is room for everyone and everything under the Sun, and while it is true that we face challenges, obstacles, and perhaps angering limitations, we don't want to forget the creative spirit within. Let's remember the old axiom, "Use it or lose it!" The sheer ability to create expands and grows the more we make ! And if we doubt, feel small, unworthy, and uncreative, surely our thoughts will create that reality ! So let's light up and live ! Let's do a little Ramblin' with the Allman Brothers ! Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends ! Come to my workshop in IBIZA this October !! Come to my workshop in DUBAI this October !! For more astrology with Kaypacha visit : For info on the closing music: Listen to Pele Reports and more of Kaypacha's astrology on Spotify ! · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !

vrijdag 16 juli 2021

Astrology for the Soul July 14, 2021, New Paradigm Astrology, 122K subscibers

Astrology for the Soul July 14, 2021, New Paradigm Astrology, 122K abonnees, Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : "There is a way of living, In peace and harmony. Not fighting what is, but being the change, that people are longing to see. It has to do with going beyond, what people claim to be true, And opening up to an infinite world, that lives within me and you." Well, that's a long one ! You may need to intuit just how that emerged out of the celestial symphony this morning, LOL! But really, The Yod, or Finger of God aspect being created this weekend with Venus/Mars quincunx both Neptune and Pluto (pause the report at 0:20 to see) has an air of destiny to it. They are 150 degrees separating from Neptune (infinite Spirit), indicating an adjustment as they "leave heaven" (Neptune). They are 210 degrees away from (actually approaching) Pluto (god of the underworld). This is so reflective of the Sabian symbol "An airplane performing a nose dive," that I refer to in the report that it's unbelievable, eh? The "resolution point" of the Yod is opposite to Venus and Mars up there in Aquarius. Aquarius is the archetype of Prometheus, the light-bearer, and has to do with a future, liberated, enlightened, world. I suggest that each of us find this world within BEFORE trying to create it, rush it, or push it outside of ourselves lest we fail, as depicted in the Sabian symbol for Chiron's station. Gotta love how the symbolism and star wisdom are so pertinent and reflective of what's happening here on the ground, eh? Don't get lost. Go within! So this week, some may experience the "Crossfire": Or you may "sit by the river..." And end up at the waterfall! Let's get together in Ibiza this October and talk about "The Astrology of Relationship, With Who, Why, and When" Check out the details and register here: For more astrology with Kaypacha visit: For info on the closing music: Listen to Pele Reports and more of Kaypacha's astrology on Spotify! · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!

zaterdag 10 juli 2021

Cancer New Moon [July 9-10] Your LOVE Compass - Astrology Numerology For...

Tania Gabrielle, 56,1K abonnees FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint” ► Subscribe to FREE Weekly *Star Code* Forecast ► Listen to FREE JULY 2021 Forecast Excerpt: ► FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine ► ************************* A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results. ************************* Tania's Vlog & Blog ► #starcodeshow #taniagabrielle #astrologynumerology #weeklyastrologynumerology #numerologyfullmoon