Levine Astrology Forecast for April 2019
wait in the deep fog is over and the cosmos is letting us proceed.
But although Mercury has turned direct, it’s still clouded by a
conjunction with confusing Neptune on April 2. Reality is still
evasive until after Venus joins Neptune on April 9. Meanwhile,
we’re hopping with anticipation as Mars in Gemini has us jumping
all over the map throughout the month. The Aries New Moon on April
5 is the real astrological start to 2019, a time to visualize the
year ahead and make resolutions we can deliver on. The Libra Full
Moon on April 19th is the second one within the year, and its
opposition to rebellious Uranus reveals an electric instability in
the atmosphere. We are encouraged to reduce all forms of
complications, but the Lunar opposition to Uranus can tighten the
coils of life once more. The Sun slips into simplistic Taurus on
April 20 confirming its blessings on the Spring. The Sun conjuncts
Uranus on April 22, delivering another shock to those who who are
hiding their intentions. The bottom line is that plenty of truth is
about to be revealed, whether or not we’re ready to assimilate
it. We are coming out of the darkness and into the light. Whichever
side of the Gulf of Trump, the Canyon of Brexit, or the Ocean of
Fear you live on, don’t be hesitant to reach out to bridge the
gap. Resolving tensions in our personal lives also contributes to
solving conflicts around the globe.
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