dinsdag 16 april 2019

Cosmic Update and Invitation to Planetary Relationships!

Update and Invitation to Planetary Relationships!

on 15 Apr 2019
FREE WEBINAR (the sound gets better after the beginning) was
recorded on Sunday, April 14th, 2019 by Kaypacha and the Dream
Team. It contains 7 different perspectives on the latest
astrological happenings as well as descriptions of the next Module
3: Planetary Relationships: Aspects, Pairs, and Patterns beginning
May 4th. In addition, it celebrates the launching of the New
Paradigm Astrology website today! In the video we give the Blue
Moon Sale promo code for 1/2 off everything in the store! Come help
us celebrate! To find out more come visit our new site at:

Week of Transformation April 17-23 and Libra Full Moon

of Transformation April 17-23 and Libra Full Moon

on 16 Apr 2019

is a channeled astrology message for the coming week. There are
several planetary alignments calling you deeper into your
transformation and ascension. You are asked to stay aware of your
thoughts to avoid falling back into old patterns but see through
long held stories and coping strategies in order to initiate change
and activate higher timelines. For personal readings and my blog:
www.Twinstrology.com If you feel called to make a donation, they
are greatly appreciated:

music is copy-write to Coldplay "Magic"

you for watching.

donderdag 4 april 2019

Astrology for the Soul April 4, 2019

for the Soul April 4, 2019

on 3 Apr 2019


I trust myself to know and
do, What is right and best for me. To give and take and mold and
shape, A new reality. REPOTENTIALIZATION! I love it! How do you
measure potential? What is potent/potential? Maybe what used to be
potent/potential is not potent/potential anymore, then you need to
find a new potent/potential, hence, repotentialization! Perfect
picture for a new Moon in Aries still having all that Pisces energy
going on with Merc/Venus/Nep. The nature spirits active at sunset
is pretty potent for me and it would be nice if they became more
potent within the framework and consciousness of humanity. Alas, we
need to protect the nature spirits AND the inner child these
days.....it's frickin' crazy! I posted a movie about 5G on my FB
page.... OMG.... if you didn't see it I'll put a link below, pretty
scary. It demonstrates to me that we are going to have to ACTIVELY
protect, preserve, and prepare to defend our dear mother to have
the new paradigm be the beautiful potential we envision (as the
nature spirits whisper). So may this New Warrior Moon be a time for
you to stand strong in yourself and speak your truth so that your
world can hear. Injoy! Tune into the Dream Team and myself APRIL
14th to hear more about what's going on and the next module of our
online astro-course!
For more astrology and Kyoga with Kaypacha visit:
www.NewParadigmAstrology.com For the 5G MOVIE:
For info on the intro music: www.darryljohnkennedy.com For info on
the closing music: www.ScottHuckabay.com


Wow, Yeah , I `m gonna Drop Out & Tune
In This Time for sure , Dear Kaypacha. U really made me laugh again.
U are hitting the nail right on top. Glastonbutry in one monthe from
now on. ? That `ll be a good focuspoint ...who knows the fairies &
gnomes & elves will assist me this time , to finally get out of
here & Be Free to Follow my Gut & meet up with U & all
the Wonderfull Free Thinking Crowd around this World . I am going
with the wind & always follow my heart. So much Love & Light
in Peace of Heart & Mind to U & All. ! ... Woopie , I am the
first one :) . Aloha . !

dinsdag 2 april 2019

Rick Levine Astrology Forecast for April 2019

Levine Astrology Forecast for April 2019

on 30 Mar 2019


wait in the deep fog is over and the cosmos is letting us proceed.
But although Mercury has turned direct, it’s still clouded by a
conjunction with confusing Neptune on April 2. Reality is still
evasive until after Venus joins Neptune on April 9. Meanwhile,
we’re hopping with anticipation as Mars in Gemini has us jumping
all over the map throughout the month. The Aries New Moon on April
5 is the real astrological start to 2019, a time to visualize the
year ahead and make resolutions we can deliver on. The Libra Full
Moon on April 19th is the second one within the year, and its
opposition to rebellious Uranus reveals an electric instability in
the atmosphere. We are encouraged to reduce all forms of
complications, but the Lunar opposition to Uranus can tighten the
coils of life once more. The Sun slips into simplistic Taurus on
April 20 confirming its blessings on the Spring. The Sun conjuncts
Uranus on April 22, delivering another shock to those who who are
hiding their intentions. The bottom line is that plenty of truth is
about to be revealed, whether or not we’re ready to assimilate
it. We are coming out of the darkness and into the light. Whichever
side of the Gulf of Trump, the Canyon of Brexit, or the Ocean of
Fear you live on, don’t be hesitant to reach out to bridge the
gap. Resolving tensions in our personal lives also contributes to
solving conflicts around the globe.
