donderdag 21 februari 2019

Astrology for the Soul February 20, 2019

Astrology for the Soul February 20, 2019,

on 20 Feb 2019


is my identity Outside my social role? It's not what people think or
say, But my connection to my Soul. Venus symbolizes the manner in
which a soul connects to the body and she is in conjunction with
Pluto, the symbol of evolutionary change this week. In this report I
go further into depth regarding some long term transits that we are
experiencing now from the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology. I
quote from Jeffrey Wolf Green's book (see link to it on Amazon below)
that gives a unique, (but to me rather obvious with today's current
affairs!) perspective. It's not easy giving birth to a new paradigm!
Not discussing the Mercury square Jupiter so much here but we can see
this first 1/4 square as indicating a "coming out" speaking
of the new beliefs/insights born with the conjunction last December
12th and his recent conjunction with Neptune. Let's open those
floodgates between the left and right brain to allow expanded
consciousness to rule the day! Injoy! For more astrology and Kyoga
with Kaypacha visit: For info on the
intro music: For info on the closing music: For Jeffrey's book:

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