donderdag 18 december 2014

Astrology for the Soul December 17, 2014

2 opmerkingen:

  1. The more I stand out, straight and tall,
    Owning my truth before one and all,
    The more I love this world I hold dear,
    The more of the road to the future I clear.

    Alright! This is it! This is the time! We are the ones! Time to stand up tall and be counted! Don't forget that the greater the light the darker the shadow when living in a 3D polarized world. Don't let the "bad" news dampen your powerful good self! It is phenomenal to have a New Moon on the Solstice... it is like the gun going off at the beginning of a race. During this time it may be helpful to keep our children's children in mind when making each and every decision and see if that changes any decisions you make. Just what toys are you buying for Christmas? Every dollar spent is going somewhere... where.... and is that where you want it to go? Time for conscious, responsible, action to follow the heartfelt dreams and desires...... go Go GO! Injoy......
    Hope to join with you this Saturday for a Sacred Solstice event: Go to and click on the link at the right!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing & caring. I really Love your Astrological report again dear Tom. With Venus transiting my Sun/Mercury/Jupiter in Capricorn in the 11th House of Friendship & Equality & Freedom as One Great Brotherhood of Men, I can`t help but feeling the Need to See All of U as Friends & Brothers & Sistars. Mars will soon Transit my Ascendant in Aquarius & there is but One big financial hurdle to take, before my Awesome Beloved Warrior of Peace & Brother in Arms, will finally be Freed from his imprisonment as an long lived server of the powers at hand & take his leave & the Lead Together with MeUWe in Helping Create a New Future for UMeWeAll. We Need to Be Loving & Trusting In Each Others Loyalty & Have Faith in our Sovereignity to be able to Work Together for the Highest Good of All. May We Be At Peace in Heart & Mind.
    I Am Standing for Freedom & Love & Peace from Within for All of Us as ONE in Our Unique Diversity in Unity with All That Is. In Lak`ech Ala K`ìn. Om Sai Ram. Om Shanti. AUM
