donderdag 19 oktober 2023
Astrology for the Soul September 6, 2023
Astrology for the Soul September 6, 2023
Paradigm Astrology,
130K subscribers , 1K, 11.665 views, 6 Sept. 2023
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week :
“There's a time to advance and a time to retreat, like the waves upon the shore. Learning when, how, and why, Is what I came here for.”
Next stop: Bahamas !
Let’s face it, we are all in need of healing because we have all been wounded/ traumatized. This world is wild and crazy, with a collective and personal unconscious that creates havoc !
Trauma, ruled in astrology primarily by Uranus, is the result of sudden, shocking events that we don’t have the ability to take.
On the other hand, wounding, ruled by Chiron, can happen slowly and deeply and is the causal factor creating the pain body.
Virgo and the 6th house have to do with healing, which involves integrating our past experiences, feeling them, owning them, forgiving them, and hopefully penetrating down to their root causes so recovery can occur.
It is a process that takes time, care, attention, space, peace, and surrender. In yoga, Savasana, or corpse pose, is done for minutes after every kriya to allow the body to assimilate all that has been awakened through the exercises. Retreating from the mundane, ordinary, daily tasks and routines that cause so much stress and strain is a necessary part of the healing process.
And that is what this waning Moon to the Sun/Mercury in Virgo inconjunct Chiron is all about. Let’s let go, folks, and allow it to happen! “I’m Getting Closer to My Home” is a classic !
Grand Funk Railroad – I'm You Capt..
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Astrology for the Soul October 18, 2023
Astrology for the Soul October 18, 2023
New Paradigm Astrology, 130K abonnees, 906 likes , 8.853 Views, 18 okt 2023
Kayapacha`s Mantra for the Week :
“”” “What gives me courage to let go in this world, Is knowing there's more beyond time, Touch, taste, sight, smell and sound, That is truth and love combined. “”””
Join me in Patagonia!! .
Okay, I got a little esoteric today, BUT in addition to cultivating your spiritual practice, this is a GOOD week to maintain, develop, promote, and take care of some business!
The trines from Saturn and Jupiter to the personal planets (especially Venus in Virgo) support the cleaning up of our bodies, minds, hearts, souls, and daily reality.
Time to put our energy into existing projects more so than initiate new ones until after the lunar eclipse on the 28th.
I say that, as I mentioned the Mars opposition to Jupiter is building from now until then and still in effect into November. This points to a culmination of what began in May 2022. However, the energy of the opposition can lead to overreaching, overspending, overestimating our power, and having too high expectations. The trick will be to push forward without trespassing on other's space and not allowing others to infringe on ours. We see the same theme being repeated in many different ways these days. How to uphold, maintain, and build power within ourselves while staying in a loving heart space with all our relations that also support the other.
Being big doesn't mean anyone is smaller or less than you.
Let's all be big together and support each other's bigness!
This week's song is My Sweet Lord ! • George Harrison ~ My Sweet Lord (Hig..
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So Much Love, Kaypacha
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