woensdag 24 mei 2023
Astrology for the Soul May 24, 2023, https://youtu.be/qZ5A2KEbxpE
Astrology for the Soul May 24, 2023, https://youtu.be/qZ5A2KEbxpE
New Paradigm Astrology, 129K subscribers , 448 likes , 2.717 views , 24 mei 2023
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week :
“I am an oasis in the desert, a source of water and life. In the middle of hot, dry, arid surroundings, I bring cool refreshing liquid light. “
Well, the volcanoes are blowing today ! In Italy and Mexico, mother nature is blowing her horn. Awake ! The Spirit world again reminds us that so much more is going on than our screens tell us.
So much more to life than news, movies, and chats.
The farther we drift away from the natural rhythm of life, from the silence, stillness, and the slowness of organic unfolding, the farther we are from peace, harmony, and connection.
We just got bombarded with Pluto and Jupiter pouncing on Mars, almost like a passing ship getting broadsided.
Now Venus will square Chiron, and the Sun will square Saturn to slow us down, bring us in, and take us home.
Don't resist it and end up getting dragged home on a stretcher.
FEEL the call within, relax, and trust life to support and hold you, and you will experience the joy of being lifted by wings other than your own. There is as much, if not more, magic happening than darkness spreading. Look for, embrace, speak of, and share it. We're being called now to function as resources, battery chargers for those less connected, and medics for the wounded. It is as if the Sun is bringing down a message he received from Saturn in the infinite realms of Pisces. We are the messengers. Let this Sun, through Gemini, signal the spreading of the good word, not divisiveness, judgment, and blame. This is an opportune week for putting your plans into action, connecting with like-minded souls, and building community.
Let's go for it !
This week's song? Living in the Past ! • Jethro Tull – Liv…
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donderdag 18 mei 2023
Astrology for the Soul May 17, 2023, https://youtu.be/CgarArzDTiI
Astrology for the Soul May 17, 2023, https://youtu.be/CgarArzDTiI
New Paradigm Astrology, 129K subscribers, 1K likes , 12.470 views, 17 mei 2023
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week :
“I need to create an outlet, For my passion-filled desire,
As I can warm the house or burn it down, if I don’t control my fire. “
🔥 Join me online for The Astrology of Relationship !
Next live June 3-4. https://bit.ly/astrology-relationship.
What an intensely exciting week lies ahead ! I say this with some caution as with this much energy swirling around, things can go amazingly well or amazingly not. It can be likened to “overexposure.” Too much sun can burn you, too much rain can flood you, and sound too loud can make you deaf.
In this case, we have a lot of raw, primal energy, which can be super constructive or cause havoc if not consciously directed. Some folks may be overwhelmed with the pace and intensity of life and get physically exhausted/sick. Others may be overwhelmed with emotions ranging from ecstasy to anger but unable to control themselves or stay centered.
I believe the saving grace for this Jupiter/Pluto/Mars T-square happening at zero degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) is both Venus, now in watery Cancer and the Sun moving with the Moon into Gemini, the twins.
Venus in Cancer reflects sympathetic understanding, and Gemini brings objective flexibility to our thinking and communication.
In today’s report, I mentioned the opportunity for UNDERstanding to be gained through counterpoint awareness and polarity.
There can be major breakthroughs in understanding the “other,” ourselves, and our shadows, PROVIDED WE LISTEN to other’s points of view rather than force ours onto them.
This is the difference between power (Pluto) vs. force (Mars). Force seeks its own aims regardless of the effects on others and can cause damage.
Power is more conscious and intentional. Use your power wisely !
This week’s song is “Light My Fire!” •The Doors – Light…
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woensdag 10 mei 2023
Astrology for the Soul May 10, 2023. , https://youtu.be/R87dLkedcJo
Astrology for the Soul May 10, 2023, https://youtu.be/R87dLkedcJo
New Paradigm Astrology,,
129K Subscribers , 660 likes, 4.481 views, 10 mei 2023
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week :
“ Whether I am in the doldrums, or having an absolute blast,
I stay more centered and keep my balance, by knowing this too shall pass.”
Let's face it, we're going through some topsy-turvy times with some extreme
(Sun conjunct Uranus and eclipses) ups and extreme downs, surprises, or upsets.
As I spoke of last week, the Tao reminds us that we create "stories" to explain
our reality and that these Mercurial, egocentric stories are not "the reality."
These stories come from our past conditioning, subconscious memories, wounds,
and limited ego awareness.Uranus shatters these stories and offers us the possibility of liberation.
This last total lunar eclipse opposite the Sun conjunct Uranus (exact on the 9th)
illuminated, perhaps shockingly, new awareness.
Even without touching personal points in your natal chart, you would still
be exposed to others and global events destabilizing the current reality.
The trick now is to let go of the upset, the old story, allow change,
and accept a new reality by creating a new, positive story while
remembering that it is just that: a story.
This brings us to Mercury stationing direct, Venus trine Saturn,
Mars trine Neptune and Jupiter entering Taurus !
Lo and behold, I doubt anything is as bad as we perhaps thought it was,
especially when we turn to Gaia's beauty, wonder, simplicity, and natural elegance.
As I mentioned in the report, there will be a noticeable shift in the energy
beginning next week, so let's bring it on, knowing that it, too, will change !
This week's song, Take It Easy ! • Eagles -Take it …
So Much Love,
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donderdag 4 mei 2023
Astrology for the Soul May 3, 2023
Astrology for the Soul May 3, 2023
New Paradigm Astrology,
129K subscribers , 941 likes, 10.021 views, 3 mei 2023
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week :
“The struggle that lies within my soul, is bigger than what's out there. For I must conquer the demons of doubt, by facing all that I fear.”
I would say "Hang in there," for this lunar eclipse in Scorpio, but I'm feeling way more like "Go for it !" Let's get over the victim, fear mongering, buckle up, do the work, and conquer the demons rather than pity ourselves. This is a unique period of possible huge breakthroughs that will also "breakdown" a lot of old structures, institutions, beliefs, and illusions. So let them go ! Let's not mope about what is leaving the stage but create the next scene for the play !
I don't mean to diminish the importance of feeling the grief that comes with any loss. In fact, it is part of the process of self discovery to descend into the dark realms of anger, betrayal, and the rage that exists down in the root chakra underworld as that is also where the serpent kundalini life force slumbers which seeks to be awakened. In some ways we are all knights going in search of the dragon which is symbolic of magic, power, and holds the promise of rebirth. As I mention in the report, this can be a death of the lower, ego controlled mind that can then birth the higher, spirit mind of Uranus.
Watch your stories, change your stories, let go of your stories, and rewrite your story into a victorious, powerful, loving, future knowing that it is a story.
This is liberation, let's do it !
A very interesting piece most certainly Scorpion: •Ren-HiRen Another one from Ren 8 years ago: •Patience | Ren Gi…
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Newsletter in my Protonmailbox :
Hola New Paradigmers!
Let’s make no mistake about it. The walls of Jericho are tumbling down. The fabric of our socio-political-economic-religious reality shows great signs of wear and tear, and large holes appear as the falsehoods it has been built on are exposed. Astrologers, especially Evolutionary Astrologers, have been foretelling the demise of the patriarchy for a long time now, and that time is upon us. And as I’ve been saying for years, they have no intention of going out gracefully but will rather be kicking and screaming. Well, that time has approached and is well underway.
At the same time, having been aware that it is coming and having taken steps to assure our physical survival (north node in Taurus soon to be joined by Jupiter!), we don’t have to go down with that ship. Quite the contrary, we can thrive through loving personal relationships and cultivating compassion, forgiveness, and humility that we may not have “needed” to this extent before!
We may not have been driven inward to our bodies, organs, bones, and cellular level for healing without the impetus of the fall. Hindsight will show the necessity of what now seems unnecessary, unjust, cruel, and evil. But, for now, we get to practice at this level, so let’s do just that, see if you can stay in your heart and keep it open.
I’m excited to be off to Greece for a healing workshop on Chiron and more! If you couldn’t make it, perhaps you can join me online for The Astrology of Relationship starting in June as soon as I return. I’ll decipher the composite/relationship chart with an emphasis on any relationship’s soul purpose. It’s going to be great! There is study material to read/review before it begins, so it is best to register now! I hope to see you online !
The struggle that lies within my soul,
Is bigger than what’s out there.
For I must conquer the demons of doubt,
By facing all that I fear.
I would say “hang in there” for this lunar eclipse in Scorpio, but I feel way more like “Go for it !” Let’s overcome the victim, fear-mongering, buck up, do the work, and conquer the demons rather than pity ourselves. This is a unique period of possible huge breakthroughs that will also “break down” a lot of old structures, institutions, beliefs, and illusions. So let them go. Let’s not mope about what is leaving the stage but create the next scene for the play!
I don’t mean to diminish the importance of feeling the grief that comes with any loss. In fact, it is part of the process of self-discovery to descend into the dark realms of anger, betrayal, and rage that exist down in the root chakra underworld, as that is also where the serpent kundalini life force slumbers which seeks to be awakened. In some ways, we are all knights searching for the dragon, which symbolizes magic and power and holds the promise of rebirth.
As I mentioned in the report, this can be a death of the lower, ego-controlled mind that can then birth the higher spirit mind of Uranus. So watch your stories, change them, let go of them, and rewrite them into a victorious, powerful, loving future, knowing that it is a story.This is liberation. Let’s do it!
A fascinating piece, most certainly Scorpion.
Another one from Ren 8 years ago.
So Much Love,
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