dinsdag 28 juni 2022
New Moon in Cancer 28 29th June 2022
New Moon in Cancer 28 29th June 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNgkxvIetvs
101.115 weergaven, 16 jun. 2022.
Pam talks about the second half of June and the New Moon in Cancer on the 28-29th.
What does this mean for you?
You can download a free birthchart from my website www.pamgregory.com ,
then purchase this two-part tutorial video series that explains how to find
this points in your chart and what it means for you:
Cancer Solstice video: https://youtu.be/vMGlx14ekqg.
US Pluto Return: https://youtu.be/14H6kW6HfSc.
donderdag 23 juni 2022
Astrology for the Soul June 22, 2022
Astrology for the Soul June 22, 2022
9.843 weergaven. 23 jun. 2022. Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week :
“I'm ready to honor my feelings, and dive deep down inside, find my own way and
do my own thing, before life passes me by. “
Speaking of Cancerian home, roots, family, and our personal history,
I'm offering a workshop on the Astrology of Biography.
Join me in Glastonbury this September! https://bit.ly/kaypacha-glastonbury-2022
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself!" . It's amazing how fear can freeze us,
stop all growth, and result in what we fear actually befalling us.
Cancerian emotional co-dependency has its roots deep down in the collective unconscious
as it has to do with the fear of being born into this 3D world, to begin with.
It's not right or wrong, it just is. Whether we fall into its clutches and
allow it to drive our choices is where evolution (or devolution) happens.
Again, courage is acting in the face of fear, not getting rid of it.
So this week, as the Moon wanes down and closes her cycle, we can say goodbye
to childhood fears and memories of not being supported or nurtured.
That was then, and now is now.
With this new Moon we can start a new habit pattern of emotional self-sufficiency
to go along with Taurus north node calling for physical autonomy.
Then no one will be a burden on anyone else, so we can just enjoy, play,
create, and love! Let's do it !
This week's
#1 song is Homeward Bound! https://youtu.be/m0oJ8_VTu3c
#2 is Can't Find My Way Home! https://youtu.be/8L82II1lNjo
⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter
Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel)
BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute
SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast
CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE ! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts
CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · ·
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of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First,
activate "CC" by pressing the icon. Then click on "Settings"
(next to the "CC" icon).
Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !
donderdag 16 juni 2022
Astrology for the Soul June 15, 2022
Astrology for the Soul June 15, 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU1TkdiZoH4
11.468 weergaven 16 jun. 2022
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week :
“I come to the mountains, forests and streams, to connect with my heart and soul. Sitting in silence under the Sun, I know all that I need to know.” There's always so much more to say ! I'm trying to keep these short because I know you are busy, and I got feedback after that 1/2 hour one that it was just too long ! So this week, I'm sorry to not have even mentioned Black Moon Lilith (seen in the thumbnail and opening) conjuncting the Sun at the 27th degree of Gemini. The Sabian symbol for that degree is: "A gypsy emerging from the forest wherein her tribe is encamped." Feel into that one! This reminds me that I barely touched on depression but know that it is almost palpable in the air, though many seek to ignore it. Both Mars conjunct Chiron and Venus/nodes square Saturn have to do with feeling, remembering, and healing deep emotional wounds from this life and others. Let's be clear, if you're not feeling some sorrow and grief these days, you are out of touch with your humanity! Yet, as Shakespeare said: "Parting is but sweet sorrow." Sitting in sadness can bring us down (or bring feelings up, whichever way you want to look at it) into deeper layers of our soul nature that hold many truths and bring tremendous self-knowledge. Let's remember that Aries/Mars rules both action and reaction. Chiron will bring to the surface times in the past when we have suffered as a result of "overacting," possibly incurring damage on others or Gaia due to impulsive, indiscriminate, unconscious willfulness. Conversely, this conjunction may bring up memories when our "overreacting" brought blame, shame, or pain to others. And let's not forget the opposite as that is what Chiron's wounds most often signify, UNDER acting, or failure to act or react when it was necessary, proper, and needed and we or others experienced pain as a result. The overdoing or underdoing symbolized by Chiron's placement in your birth chart and in transit is a result of what I will call "soul fragmentation," an aspect of yourself that has been separated from your soul identity from any number of past experiences and is therefore not connected, representing, or in alignment with your true nature. This week (and when Jupiter comes to Chiron next year) is a perfect time for soul retrieval wherein you call back these fragmented portions of your psyche. Have compassion for and forgive yourself (and others you may have blamed), and relax, exhale, and feel the relief of being reunited. Of course, a natural selection for Taurus is Simon and Garfunkel's "Sound of Silence!" We might add that to the expanding Pele Report Playlist on Spotify too. http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack . However, I did get goosebumps listening to this version of Amazing Grace: https://youtu.be/HsCp5LG_zNE . And I also loved this version of Kothbiro, Ayub Ogada: https://youtu.be/L48PCisRZ7s . Lastly, I share links and other relevant posts on our uncensored Telegram channel. If you're not yet on Telegram, you may want to get there as other avenues of free community building/sharing are becoming fewer and farther between ! https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel) ⚡️. To catch the live streaming of this weekend's "The Astrology of Sexuality," join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool . After subscribing, you will get a link to the Zoom! (We will share login info from Friday onwards) ⚡️ Come to Ibiza! https://bit.ly/kaypacha-ibiza-2022 So Much Love, Kaypacha
dinsdag 14 juni 2022
Sagittarius FULL Supermoon [June 14] Trust in the Goodness of Life Astro...
Early on June 14 we will be blessed by the FULL MOON in Sagittarius (with the Sun in Gemini)
activating a code of liberation !
Moon and Sun will both be at 23° in Sagittarius and Gemini – 23 reduces to 5.
The Full Moon is exact on June 14 – reducing to 5.
This creates a triple 5:5:5 code of Freedom.
5:5:5 brings shifts, changes, rapid communication - and Freedom from Fear.
Add Sagittarius and Gemini into the mix and we have an amazing recipe for movement,
fun, joy and rapid expansion on what you’re focusing on right now.
23 ushers in the deep confidence and fearlessness of the Royal Code of the Lion vibration.
Watch the remarkable Full Moon message here:
#astrology #fullmoon #numerology
Sagittarius FULL Supermoon [June 14] Trust in the Goodness of Life Astrology Numerology Forecast
#astrology #fullmoon #numerology
12.791 weergaven 31 mei 2022 , FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint”
► https://taniagabrielle.com/ytbelowvideo Listen to FREE JUNE 2022 Premium Wealth Forecast Excerpt:
► https://taniagabrielle.com/lp/premium... FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS"
Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine
► http://venusmarscode.com Sign up for the FREE Star Code Forecasts +
Messages from Merlin
► https://taniagabrielle.com/lp/weeklyv...
Music: Beethoven Sonata in G Major, Op. 14 No. 2, I. Allegro (excerpt) *****************************************************************************************
A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results. *************************
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#astrology, #fullmoon, #numerology, #2022Astrology #TaniaGabrielle
donderdag 9 juni 2022
Astrology for the Soul June 8, 2022
Astrology for the Soul June 8, 2022, https://youtu.be/h2gujSdwe6A
9.695 weergaven 8 jun. 2022
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : “I'm loving my physical body, It's my temple while here on earth.
I'm gonna clean it and cleanse it and move it and shake it, And enjoy it for all its worth”
I went into the world situation in last week’s report, and though there is much more to say,
we still find ourselves in these bodies, in this house, car, or on this trail, in the here and now.
The focus of this week’s astrology being Aries, Taurus, and Gemini is very much about the
internal experience of pleasure and fulfillment through simply being alive. Let’s do it!
While the Sun is transiting Gemini with Mercury following close behind, the emphasis
could be on “mindfulness,” of which plenty of information is available.
However, the north node/Uranus in Taurus is asking us to not just make it about the mind
but to quiet ourselves even more, go deeper, stiller, down to the cellular with our consciousness
(as differing from thought). So let’s sink ourselves into ourselves, feel the heaviness,
the solidity, and relax every muscle enjoying the beauty of ourselves and our world.
Find your place in the Sun and RELAX amidst the madness!
Join me in Lake Tahoe for a Solstice Celebration! https://bit.ly/kaypacha-tahoe-2022
The first song for this week is a mix of Taurus and Gemini! https://youtu.be/ZC7zj6fxt-U
Secondly, Let’s keep it simple with Simple Man! https://youtu.be/rgFQ6WmxdMs
Thumbnail art: Daniel B. Holeman https://www.awakenvisions.com/
⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter
Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel)
BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute
SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast
CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts
CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · ·
SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player.
*Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon.
Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC"
and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!
zondag 5 juni 2022
Kryon Healing Wednesday JUNE FREE STREAM with Debra Silverman
#kryon #leecarroll #healingwednesday
Kryon Healing Wednesday JUNE FREE STREAM with Debra Silverman
10.864 weergaven, Live gestreamd op 2 jun. 2022 #kryon #leecarroll #healingwednesday #DebraSilverman
First things FIRST ✨✨✨
Please like the video & subscribe to the ONLY OFFICIAL KRYON CHANNEL on YOUTUBE!
You are going to love the compassionate messages of Kryon !
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#kryon #debrasilverman #kryonleecarroll #healingwednesday #circleoftwelve #kryoncircleof12
Welcome to Healing Wednesday! In this episode, we will share the teaching and wisdom of Debra Silverman.
At age 20, the stars in Debra’s life aligned perfectly,and she discovered that Astrology is her life’s purpose.
Since then, she’s helped thousands achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personalities
and the four elements: water, air, earth, and fire. Her favorite thing about Astrology is how it
reveals our true character, causing us to fall in love with ourselves,
step into our natural gifts and talents, and strengthen our weak areas.
"You CAN have a life that fulfills your soul, a career you love, and deep, connected relationships.
It all begins with falling in love with YOU… the real you." ― Debra Silverman
Please join us for this profound, transformative and fascinating, Healing Wednesday !
This week you'll experience: Q&A session with Lee Carroll & Monika Muranyi
New Profound Channeling from Kryon .Interview & Fascinating Stories with our
Special Guest, Debra Silverman.
New Circle of Twelve Meditation with Kryon We offer a new episode every Wednesday,
but only the first of the month is free !
Becoming a member will give you access to the entire collection of replays,
there are currently over 65 and counting ! Members also enjoy the ability to listen
to the Kryon music (not available anywhere else), the freedom to enjoy their favorite
Circle of Twelve moments, meditations, and Kryon messages any time. We adore hearing from you !
Tell us in the comments below, how THIS episode of Healing Wednesday spoke to you!
Blessings, Lee, Monika & Kryon
Come see Lee, Monika and Kryon LIVE and IN-PERSON ! https://kryonmasters.com/hw-live-regi...
TWO UNIQUE DAYS OF HEALING & EVOLUTION Join Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi for a fun weekend
with special guests.We are about to depart from anything we've ever exhibited on stage
in the past 32 years – with "The New Kryon Weekend." Become a Healing Wednesday Member NOW !
View the playlist of past “FREE First Wednesday” show: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
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ABOUT KRYON Kryon is often described as a loving entity, yet Kryon is a group or entourage
that is neither masculine or feminine. Kryon gives messages of peace and empowerment for humanity.
Lee Carroll is the original Kryon channel and has been delivering Kryon’s messages since 1989.
Note: Kryon has been around way before 1989, because the entourage has no beginning or end.
✨ ABOUT LEE CARROLL: https://kryonmasters.com/about/?=yt
✨ ABOUT MONIKA MURANYI: https://www.monikamuranyi.com/?=yt
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✨ https://store.kryon.com/?Click=4103
✨ KRYON, anywhere on earth, is given away for FREE: https://www.menus.kryon.com/freeaudio...
✨ Absorb even MORE messages of benevolence from Lee, Monika and Kryon HERE: https://kryonmasters.com/blog/?=yt
✨ Know a phenomenal healer that should be on Healing Wednesday?
Submit them HERE: https://306398.typeform.com/to/CbtDuN...
As the commensurate Kryon archivist and researcher Monika has written many short articles
on a wide range of topics based on Kryon’s information. You can access those articles here: https://www.monikamuranyi.com/article...
KRYON TOURS & RETREATS Kryon Tours are some of the most profound metaphysical adventures available.
Our excursions and Shamanic Journeys are offered all around the world in exotic places and sacred sites.
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