vrijdag 29 april 2022

Taurus SOLAR ECLIPSE [April 30] Astrology Numerology Forecast

10:10:10 Solar ECLIPSE in Taurus #astrology #fullmoon #numerology Taurus SOLAR ECLIPSE [April 30] Astrology Numerology Forecast, https://youtu.be/Wgh8AkV4r0c Eclipse Season has arrived ! Tania Gabrielle, 59,4K abonnees FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint” ► https://taniagabrielle.com/ytbelowvideo Listen to FREE APRIL 2022 Premium Wealth Forecast Excerpt: ► https://taniagabrielle.com/lp/premium... FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine ► http://venusmarscode.com Sign up for the FREE Star Code Forecasts + Messages from Merlin ► https://taniagabrielle.com/lp/weeklyv... ************************* Music: Beethoven Sonata in G Major, Op. 14 No. 2, I. Allegro (excerpt) Tomorrow at 9:28 pm Universal Time April 30th, the Partial SOLAR ECLIPSE in Taurus is exact (4:28 pm ET, 1:28 pm PT). In 2022 all the eclipses take place in either Taurus or Scorpio. This is the first of four (they usually come in pairs). An amazing triple 10:10:10 code is activated: Sun and Moon will be at 10° April is a 10 Universal Month in 2022. 10 reduces to 1– vibration of new beginnings. The Solar New Moon Eclipse celebrates new beginnings. 10:10:10 symbolizes a triple activation of Instant Manifestation, Love and Light, and the Wheel of Fortune. A resounding opportunity to completely clear the slate – letting go of past ways, past beliefs, conditioning and judgments life. Taurus awakens inner peace and security. You have a renewed focus on financial flow, love, and what truly adds value to how you feel happy and fulfilled. And there is a lot to share about the transits – they are supremely POSITIVE ! For one, there is an very rare triple conjunction between Jupiter, Venus and Neptune ! It's such a good news event ! P.S. FREE Masterclass! Discover Your Divine Blueprint: How to read any person's birth code in the STARS and NUMBERS. **Includes Downloadable Handout.** Get Instant Access HERE.

donderdag 21 april 2022

Astrology for the Soul April 20, 2022

Astrology for the Soul April 20, 2022, https://youtu.be/mNwCTvYQGiQ New Paradigm Astrology, 125K abonnees Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : “ Within the vast ocean of potential, all exists from love to hate, I now choose to focus upon, that which leads to heaven's gate.” I forgot to mention the metaphor that came to me for the energy this weekend as Mercury conjuncts the north node. Let's make ourselves painters! Life is the blank, white canvas. Our feelings are the colors on the palette, and our thoughts take those feelings and apply them to our life, as thick or thin, as much or as little, wherever we freely choose. This painting takes a lifetime to complete! Perhaps the only difference is that we can erase or remove the paint on our artwork, but in life, we cannot undo the actions that have resulted from our thoughts, feelings, and will forces. We can paint over them, deepen or lighten them, but they become a permanent part of the akashic record of our soul. As such, they fall into the 12th house of Pisces, which is also called the "house of karma." We could also go a step farther and say that all of everyone's life paintings together form a collage we could call "the collective unconscious," another attribute of the Piscean 12th house. I wonder what that collage looks like now? I wonder what it looked like 2000 years ago or what it will look like 2000 years from now? One thing is for sure. It will look more light, beautiful, balanced, colorful, and harmonious the more we focus our thoughts and feelings on gratitude, joy, forgiveness, compassion, and love. May the painting of your life this week and beyond be amazing ! This week's song is a must listen ! Nahko Bear's "Black as Night" https://youtu.be/lkGBLLjAXEA JOIN ME IN EUROPE THIS SUMMER: https://bit.ly/kaypacha-events More events coming soon ! So Much Love, Kaypacha ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel) BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !

zondag 17 april 2022

Astrology for the Soul April 13, 2022

Astrology for the Soul April 13, 2022, https://youtu.be/qaNOVV20fQ4 New Paradigm Astrology.125K abonnees, Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : “Regardless of the state of the world, I'm getting myself together. Forgiving, forgetting, and starting anew, I raise the bar ever higher.” Mars at the end of Aquarius (along with ol' Saturn, of course) wants to raise that bar and raise that bar and raise that bar even higher! Then, today and tomorrow, the Moon in Virgo wants to work out, buff up, and make the grade. And lastly, the Sun in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn wants to win the gold medal. So there is a lot of competition, desire, and challenge that can lead to conflict but can also lead to everyone involved becoming better pole vaulters ! I f approached from the perspective of the Sabian symbol for this full Moon, one of "transcendent realization," this Libra full Moon can bump our relationships up to a new level of conscious communication and union. However, left to our unconscious will forces that wish to continue getting our own way, these same relationships could topple down, knocking the bar down, and fall into conflict. This is where the courage to stay, listen, breathe, receive, and reply will make the difference between a win and a loss. There is a lot at stake with Pluto squaring from Capricorn, who is calling each and every one of us to stand tall in integrity and honesty while playing fair though being tempted to use any means possible to get our way. This is, again, the difference between Bob Marley's Rastaman "high, positive vibration" and the low. Check it out ! https://youtu.be/V17_RumSEDE After that, how about Paul's "You Don't Have to Run" https://youtu.be/cBPOQBT1srU I'm sorry they have stopped taking comments today, but you should still be aware of what they're up to ! Find out about the WHO Treaty here: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/p... DANCE YOUR STARS with Kaypacha ! CORFU Greece, Jul 24-30, 2022 ⛵ Get tickets: https://bit.ly/kaypacha-corfu-2022 ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool Get everything I forgot to say by signing up for my Newsletter ! http://bit.ly/npanewsletter Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel) BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE ! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English ? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !

donderdag 7 april 2022

Astrology for the Soul April 6, 2022

https://youtu.be/eVJZFibXqPs Astrology for the Soul April 6, 2022, New Paradigm Astrology, 125K abonnees Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week : “Whenever I am in deep dark sorrow, due to death, war, loss or grief, I remember that I'm but a drop of rainwater, returning to the sea. “ Saturn squaring the Moon's nodes this month indicates that it is time to let go of old security structures, relationships, and once supportive and viable pursuits and assets to move on to a new, evolutionary stage. This is true regardless of the sign position, however, with the south node in Scorpio, the sign of emotional desire and attachment, it becomes more complex and intense. Scorpio rules all forms of loss, betrayal, and abandonment, including death, taxes, bankruptcy, divorce, etc. When the ego clings to people, places, positions and things that no longer serve a soul purpose, the last resort of the unconscious soul is to straight out remove them. This is often painful. While the Moon's nodes are in Taurus/Scorpio until July of 2023, this Saturn square, which remains within a five-degree orb until November, is the most challenging. In some ways, I believe it is a preparation for Saturn going into Pisces next year. So much of our "old world" is leaving, it can feel like there is little left to hold onto or believe in. But Jupiter/Neptune calls us forward, upward, and onward toward experiencing ourselves in ever-deepening and expanded ways as true Spirit Beings. Let's all meet there ! On another note, I blew it ! Got my mantras mixed up at the end of the report. I'm so used to the Gunpati meditation (Sa Ta Na Ma, Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say, So Hung) that I explained it more than the meditation I am giving you the link to Ra Sun Ma Moon Da Earth Sa Infinity Sa Say So Hung, I am one with Thou If you set aside the 15 minutes for this every day for 40, 90, or 120 days (without missing a day), you will note a marked improvement in your head, heart, and body space. Check it out ! https://youtu.be/1OGjZST8aRc I see from my Spotify Pele Report Playlist that I already used "Let It Be" as the song for another week (It's an awesome playlist!), so this week I'd like to feature Jim Croce as I think he captures the feelings that might come up for us. I think of two songs: Operator: https://youtu.be/hr3kg2kqlGg, and if you like that one, you may also enjoy his "Time In A Bottle." Relax, sit back, and let go ! 1st Quarter Moon in Cancer Lunar Report , https://bit.ly/3jeAExn So Much Love, Kaypacha ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel) BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!

vrijdag 1 april 2022

Astrology for the Soul March 30, 2022

Astrology for the Soul March 30, 2022. https://youtu.be/qqIb-EnNSH0 New Paradigm Astrology,125K subscribers Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week. “I have the strength and the power, to create the life I now see, For as a disciple of Spirit Love, ,my path is laid out for me.” We can look at this Mars/Saturn conjunction in two ways. The first is if you are not your own authority, can’t handle responsibility, and let other people decide things for you. In that case, you will feel put upon, shoved around, blocked, stopped, and limited these days. The second is if you are your own authority and have “owned” your Saturn need for form, structure, and duty to society and the future. In this case, you will hunker down, roll up your sleeves, deal with the bureaucracy, stay calm, cool, and collected, and get your business done. Boom ! Then you’ll want to sit back, relax, and let go as you allow Jupiter/Neptune to take you away on a magic carpet into other dimensional realms. If you’re a number 2 up above, it’s cool, you deserve it, and you know not to get wasted. But, on the other hand, if you’re a number 1, chances are you are angry at somebody and just want to “get the hell out” and may overdose on substances as you seek to escape from the nasty perpetrators out there destroying your life. Lastly, then, but really through it all, you’ll have the new Moon on the wounded warrior. You’ll want to take special care of yourself, nurture yourself, feel good about yourself, speak your needs, assert your wants, and go for what you desire without guilt, shame, or remorse. The wizened healer will also consider others’ wants and desires and find win-win solutions where everyone is happy. The disempowered, self-pitying victim with this wound, will feel further disabled and incapable of ever getting what they want. From these examples, we can see that it is up to us to master ourselves like the bear with its paws up, thereby mastering our lives. Go for it ! I’ve got three songs to capture the feeling of the three different conjunctions/ energies hitting us at the same time this week (note: the Jupiter/Neptune is my fav, and I didn’t mention it in the report !). Mars/Saturn - Bachman & Turner “Takin’ Care Of Business”, https://youtu.be/ybtl9qVFAjc Jupiter/Neptune - Carole King “Way over Yonder” , https://youtu.be/wUUj7-diacQ New Moon in Aries - FLEETWOOD MAC “Oh Well” https://youtu.be/O8RhZDGLEXM New Moon in Aries Lunar Report , https://bit.ly/36JITPg Check out more of Florian’s amazing pictures ! He’s the best nature photographer eva !! https://www.instagram.com/floriankust... ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel) BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE ! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !