maandag 28 februari 2022

PISCES New Moon [March 2, 2022] Peace Love Unity - Astrology Numerology ...

#astrology#fullmoon#2022AstrologyPredictions PISCES New Moon [March 2, 2022] Peace Love Unity - Astrology Numerology Forecast, Tania Gabrielle, 59,1K abonnees FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint” ► Listen to FREE March 2022 Premium Wealth Forecast Excerpt: ► FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine ► Sign up for the FREE e-newsletter: Star Code Forecasts + Messages from Merlin ► ************************************************************************* Music: Beethoven Sonata in G Major, Op. 14 No. 2, I. Allegro (excerpt) ************************************************************************ A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results. ******************************************************************* #astrology, #fullmoon, #2022AstrologyPredictions, #numerology, #Eckhart, #Deepak, #Sadhguru, #Kryon, #Abraham, #TaniaGabrielle The New Moon in Pisces on March 2, 2022 is absolutely magnificent ! It creates a gorgeous conjunction with Jupiter (and a wide conjunction with Neptune) with all planets in a harmonious sextile to Uranus. * Sun and Moon are conjunct Jupiter and Neptune. * Neptune is the ruler of Pisces. * Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces. Your heart is filled with joy, abundance, fortunate blessings, spiritual breakthrough and healing. Also, the number 3 is activated in an astounding way. Discover the magic of the 3×3 = 9 code and how it will impact you in March. Pisces is a highly sensitive, imaginative, intuitive sign, exploring the unseen and mysterious realms. New Moons bring a fresh start – this New Moon symbolizes a spiritual rebirth. Compassion, love, kindness, happiness and positive opportunities are some of the many abundant blessings this New Moon resonates to. Discover the gorgeous gifts of this amazing lunation. Love and Blessings, Tania Gabrielle ► Be sure to join the Premium Wealth Forecast and hear Merlin’s Message for March, 2022. Each edition is available a few days before the NEW month begins, so you can plan and leverage the daily star codes n your life.

donderdag 24 februari 2022

Astrology for the Soul February 23, 2022

Astrology for the Soul February 23, 2022, 14.659 weergaven, 23 feb. 2022, New Paradigm Astrology, 125K abonnees Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week : "It's time to say goodbye, to things that might have been, but tho the night is dark and still, the Sun will rise again. " OMG, I always turn the camera off and think of more stuff I should've said ! So, here's a couple more. One, surrendering does not always involve loss ! You may surrender to love, open your heart, let go of your "power," and surrender to another person. You may surrender to Source, "All I want to do is help as many people as I can before I die." Surrendering your will to Divine will. Second, whether it is the tides, a sine wave, or crypto=currency, "What goes up must come down (and back up again !)." It's perhaps best to remember that you never lose what is truly yours, and if you let it go, it will come back. Third, after turning off the camera, I got my stuff, stood up, and headed home. I stepped on a loose rock, and it turned, and my foot, with my cork Birkenstock, went right in the water. And I said, "Damn !" You're not supposed to get those cork Birks wet ! It then occurred that I could've twisted my ankle and been messed up for days. Let's remember - it can ALWAYS be worse ! That can help us stay in an attitude of gratitude... This week's song by Elton: So Much Love, Kaypacha ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: Pele Soundtrack Playlist: TELEGRAM: (public channel) BITCHUTE: SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! CLOSING MUSIC: · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !

dinsdag 22 februari 2022

MERLIN Channeling on Being Fully Conscious [2022] Astrology Numerology F...

#astrology#fullmoon#2022 AstrologyPredictions MERLIN Channeling on Being Fully Conscious [2022] Astrology Numerology Forecast 4.801 weergaven, 20 feb. 2022 Tania Gabrielle, 59K abonnees Listen to FREE FEBRUARY 2022 Premium Wealth Forecast Excerpt: ► FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint” ► FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine ► http://venusmarscode. com Sign up for the FREE e-newsletter: Star Code Forecasts + Messages from Merlin ► ******************************************************************** Music: Beethoven Sonata in G Major, Op. 14 No. 2, I. Allegro (excerpt) **************************************************************** A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results. *************************************************************** #astrology, #fullmoon, #2022AstrologyPredictions, #numerology, #Eckhart, #Deepak, #Sadhguru, #Kryon, #Abraham, #TaniaGabrielle Being Fully Conscious (Merlin Channeling) Happy 2.22.2022 ! May this gorgeous Code of Kindness infuse your heart with compassion, love and caring. On that note, Merlin appeared a few days ago with a strong message about being fully conscious– especially during this time. He specifically touched on how being fully conscious will help us gracefully move through the current and upcoming shifts – including the Pluto return for the U.S.A. which continues throughout 2022. An important message on self-empowerment ! Merlin’s messages have resonated deeply with so many. So, with Merlin’s encouragement, starting with the March 2022 edition, all Premium Wealth Forecast members will receive the full forecast, music and PDF along with an additional bonus: Merlin’s Monthly Message ! If you want the most in-depth Astro-Numerology Daily Fore Look out for Merlin’s Monthly Message in March’s edition. Until then, you can get a taste of the Premium Weatlh Forecast by listening to a free excerpt from the February edition. Click here for the Free February excerpt. Love and Blessings, Tania Gabrielle P.S. Be sure to join the Premium Wealth Forecast to hear Merlin’s powerful message for March, 2022. Each edition is available a few days before the NEW month begins, so you can plan and leverage the daily star codes in your life.

donderdag 17 februari 2022

Astrology for the Soul February 16, 2022

Astrology for the Soul February 16, 2022, 9.710 weergaven , New Paradigm Astrology, 125K abonnees Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : "In the midst of the hustle and bustle, I remember what it's all about, Returning to a state of inner peace, One with Source I no longer have doubt. " This is a good month to get outa town ! Leave all the concrete, noise, and psychic density behind and reconnect with your truth, your soul, and your purpose through nature. We are of nature, from nature, are nature, and shall return to nature. Nature was here before us, and she will be here after us. One Solar flare could put an end to much of what so many take as "real." Take this time to remember who you are, as that will help others remember themselves. Like ripples on a still pond of water after a large stone has been thrown, may your inner peace spread throughout all your relations. Indeed, there is no other way to stop the madness. Smile and inspire ! Check out this week's song by Hargo Khalsa, "From the Rooftops!" ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: Pele Soundtrack Playlist: TELEGRAM: (public channel) BITCHUTE: SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE ! CLOSING MUSIC: · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!

LEO FULL MOON: Love + Liberation! [Feb 16, 2022] Astrology Numerology Forecast

#astrology #fullmoon #2022 AstrologyPredictions LEO FULL MOON: Love + Liberation! [Feb 16, 2022] Astrology Numerology Forecast, 13.827 weergaven, 2 feb. 2022 Tania Gabrielle, 58,7K abonnees FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint” ► Listen to FREE FEBRUARY 2022 Premium Wealth Forecast Excerpt : ► FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine ► Sign up for the FREE e-newsletter: Star Code Forecasts + Messages from Merlin ► *************************************************************** Music: Beethoven Sonata in G Major, Op. 14 No. 2, I. Allegro (excerpt) ********************************************************************** A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results. ***************************************************************************** #astrology, #fullmoon, #2022AstrologyPredictions, #numerology, #Eckhart, #Deepak, #Sadhguru, #Kryon, #Abraham, #TaniaGabrielle

woensdag 16 februari 2022

USA Pluto RETURN: Permanent Changes [2.20.2022] Astrology Numerology Fo...

USA Pluto RETURN: Permanent Changes [2.20.2022] Astrology Numerology Forecast, 7.706 weergaven, 14 feb. 2022 Tania Gabrielle, 58,7K abonnees FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint” ► Listen to FREE FEBRUARY 2022 Premium Wealth Forecast Excerpt: ► , FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine ► , Sign up for the FREE e-newsletter: Star Code Forecasts + Messages from Merlin ► ************************* Music: Beethoven Sonata in G Major, Op. 14 No. 2, I. Allegro (excerpt) MUSIC: Mendelssohn - Midsummer Night's Dream (transcribed for piano) ************************* A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results. ************************* #astrology, #fullmoon, #2022AstrologyPredictions, #numerology, #Eckhart, #Deepak, #Sadhguru, #Kryon, #Abraham, #TaniaGabrielle

woensdag 9 februari 2022

2.2022 Code - Powerful Palindrome [Message from Merlin]

#astrology#fullmoon #2022AstrologyPredictions 2.2022 Code - Powerful Palindrome [Message from Merlin] 6.916 weergaven, 6 feb. 2022 Tania Gabrielle, 58,7K abonnees FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint” ► Listen to FREE FEBRUARY 2022 Premium Wealth Forecast Excerpt: ► FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine ► Sign up for the FREE e-newsletter: Star Code Forecasts + Messages from Merlin ► ****************************************************************** Music: Beethoven Sonata in G Major, Op. 14 No. 2, I. Allegro (excerpt) ******************************************************************** A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results. ********************************************************************** #astrology, #fullmoon, #2022AstrologyPredictions, #numerology, #Eckhart, #Deepak, #Sadhguru, #Kryon, #Abraham, #TaniaGabrielle

donderdag 3 februari 2022

Astrology for the Soul February 2, 2022

Astrology for the Soul February 2, 2022 New Paradigm Astrology, 125K abonnees Kyapacha`s Mantra for the week : "I'm ridding myself of old thoughts and beliefs, that no longer make any sense, as it's time to create a life I love and stop sitting on this fence". Yes, indeed, this is a time to watch out for the "demons of doubt." As I mentioned in the report, we doubt ourselves when we're out of touch with ourselves! If you stop your bantering, much of which comes from childhood programming, and feel into your gut, you know what you want. Then the next step is to trust that your body and soul know what is good for you even if it doesn't make sense, could be judged, or makes somebody unhappy. This Sun/Saturn conjunction says it's time to say "No !" Some of us are afraid of that word, and some of us just love it. I won't go into which sign is which. If you know some astrology, I'll bet you can pick those out yourself. But let's also relate the "no" to boundaries, and these boundaries signal the end of childish naivete and signal a growing maturity. We're all getting a bit more sober and serious as the stakes are getting raised by the minute with regard to freedom and control over our own lives. So don't just "hang in there," but instead go out there and DO IT ! You and the future will be glad you did. Wanna be an emissary of the light ? A world servant ? At the service of Spirit ? Give this song a sing with Spirit in mind: Bargain/The Who ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: Pele Soundtrack Playlist: TELEGRAM: (public channel) BITCHUTE: SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE ! CLOSING MUSIC: · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !