vrijdag 31 december 2021
Astrology for the Soul December 29, 2021
Astrology for the Soul December 29, 2021, https://youtu.be/DT0UBy0oEdk
12.167 weergaven, 29 dec. 2021
New Paradigm Astrology, 124K abonnees
Kaypacha `s Mantra for the week :
"The Sun, the Moon and the Stars, Tell me there is a plan,
For me and you and what to do, and when to take a stand."
OK ! A traumatic Pele Report experience dealing with boundaries. With my 12th house stellium,
I will say I don’t like limits and err on the side of oneness. However, life is a great teacher,
and it is teaching me to not only stand and hold my own boundaries but look for, identify,
and respect other people’s!
However, I will also say that I’m slightly traumatized by the angry, aggressive, and abusive language
this lady used (with a 7-year-old girl at her side!) to kick my “sorry @#$” outta there !
Missing the pura vida of Costa Rica these days !
Anyway, this personal experience can be broadened to a collective experience as we see governments worldwide
encroaching upon individual citizens’ rights. We can see the apparent boundaries of muzzle mandates,
little stickers on floors telling people to stay away from each other, plastic “shields” between
checkouts and children’s school desks, etc.
I see this division as a deliberate attempt to tear apart the social fabric that connects,unites,and strengthens us.
As humans, we are social beings. At this juncture of not only the end of a year but the end of an age,
it behooves us to remember and review our past, both personal and collective.
It is a learning process, as the balsamic phase will always bring up any and all issues that have not been resolved
in the previous cycle so that they may be integrated before the beginning of the next cycle.
In this way, we learn from the past and don’t need to repeat lessons.
I’m certainly reminded of Hitler, his totalitarian takeover that resulted in horror.
Let us hope that collective experience is not repeated.
From Jethro Tull’s “Stand Up” album, this week’s song is “We Used to Know” , https://youtu.be/5EBQ-ljFlt4
⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology ! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter
Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel)
BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute
SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast
CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts
CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · ·
SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English
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donderdag 30 december 2021
Capricorn NEW YEAR's NEW MOON [Jan 2, 2022] Astrology Numerology Forecast
#starcodeshow #taniagabrielle#astrologynumerology
Capricorn NEW YEAR's NEW MOON [Jan 2, 2022] Astrology Numerology Forecast
https://youtu.be/OYhHnpk6Ij8, Tania Gabrielle, 58,3K abonnees
FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint”
► https://taniagabrielle.com/ytbelowvideo
Listen to FREE DECEMBER 2021 Premium Wealth Forecast Excerpt:
► https://taniagabrielle.com/lp/premium...
FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine
► http://venusmarscode.com
Music: Beethoven Sonata in G Major, Op. 14 No. 2, I. Allegro (excerpt)
A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced
the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World,
unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being)
and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical,
real-life results.
Tania's Vlog & Blog
► https://taniagabrielle.com #starcodeshow #taniagabrielle #astrologynumerology
#weeklyastrologynumerology #numerologyfullmoon
vrijdag 24 december 2021
Astrology for the Soul December 22, 2021
Astrology for the Soul December 22, 2021, https://youtu.be/583P2Hn5Shc,
New Paradigm Astrology, 124K abonnees
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week :
" I have to let go of my pride, fear and control, to bare my soul to you.
Yet when I do, I see me through you, As a heart full of love so true."
All you need is love, this week's song is a poignant reminder as Venus unites
with Pluto of just how fundamental love is to our experience of ourselves and life.
As I discuss in the report, instead of this being a "Holly Jolly Christmas,"
it may have a few undertones of a "Melancholy Christmas."
The stripping away down to "the heart of the matter" (maybe another good song for this week)
can leave us feeling vulnerable but also soft, sweet, open, and blessed.
Maybe go through your old photos, feelings, memories, and relationships with a heart
to bless all that has brought you to where you are now.
Also, as mentioned, this Venus/Pluto will manifest in one of three ways:
your most intimate relationship(s) transform, end, or a powerful new one begins.
Coupled with the Saturn/Uranus square, this becomes a volatile time full of unpredictable changes.
Maintaining our faith in Love and its powerful wisdom to guide our life can help us
navigate these times with a more even keel amidst the stormy seas.
Maturing to experience even greater heights and depths of our being is what Saturn and Capricorn are all about.
Let's do it!
I always write more that comes to me in my newsletter.
If you want to get the Pele Report in your inbox and further reflections,
here is the link ! http://bit.ly/npanewsletter
Check out the What Is Love VideoBook ! https://bit.ly/30PMEzM
Come to Peru ! https://bit.ly/peru-workshop-2022
My latest Astro-report! The Astrology of 2022 for the USA https://bit.ly/astrology-2022-USA
All You Need Is Love! https://youtu.be/_OuYLGHkrBk
⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel)
BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute
SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast
CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts
CHECK OUT DANIEL HOLEMAN'S OTHER ARTWORK (besides the thumbnail and opening) https://bit.ly/3oBOxta
CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · ·
SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player.
*Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon.
Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon).
Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language !
zaterdag 18 december 2021
Astrology for the Soul December 15, 2021
New Paradigm Astrology, 124K abonnees, 16.854 weergaven, 15 dec. 2021
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week :
" As a guardian of the truth, I know it and speak it and see,
when lies are used to take away, Freedom, choice, and autonomy."
It's a jam-packed week with the Moon waxing to full and the Solstice on its way !
It feels like an extraordinary time when the veils are thinner than usual,
and there is greater interaction between worlds that can be both "light" and "dark."
Brilliant, new, previously unseen connections can be made between seemingly unconnected things,
people, and events in our lives.
AND entities and spiritual forces who do not have our best interests in "mind" ,
can also influence those of weaker or less awakened consciousness.
Mars on Ketu, the south node of the Moon in Sagittarius, describes this situation.
As both information and misinformation continue to flood our airwaves around the world
and the Moon waxes into full, we will see more polarization happening both within and without.
Polarization is a 3rd-dimensional phenomenon that helps us focus (like a camera lens)
and clarify for ourselves more precisely who we are
, what we need to evolve,
and what choices are best for our soul intentions. However, when brought to the extremes,
it can easily tip off balance, create conflict and cause harm.
Let's all send out some loving, peaceful vibes during this time as tensions mount.
How about our new T-shirt ?!! Get yours here ! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts .
I mentioned my full report on the Astrology of 2022.
You can find it here: https://bit.ly/astrology-for-2022
I also mentioned just receiving Paul Levy's new book "Wetiko, Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World."
Here is a link to find out more about Wetiko and Paul.
I believe it ties in with the anthroposophical worldview as well as New Paradigm Astrology
and other systems of thought I embrace. You may find it helpful too. https://www.awakeninthedream.com/
There are many different angles, layers, dimensions, and intentions converging now,
so it helps to be awake, discriminate, and get second (and third) opinions before making conclusions.
Happy Hunting !
This brings me to the Healing the Warrior Within workshop in Peru. Break free of the mind virus and join me !
https://bit.ly/peru-workshop-2022 Early bird extended 'til New Years! Save $200!!
Have you got your copy of " What Is Love? An Astrological Adventure" for Christmas this year ?
Check out the 2022 calendar version too ! https://bit.ly/what-is-love-book
So Much Love, Kaypacha
⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter
Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel) BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute
SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast
CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE ! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts
CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com
maandag 13 december 2021
Astrology for the Soul December 8, 2021
https://youtu.be/1nTBFIRN8Ls, 23.753 weergaven, 8 dec. 2021
New Paradigm Astrology, 124K abonnees
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : "I am a work in progress, and so is the rest of the world.
As disappointed as I can get, I will continue to work for the good."
As usual, there is always more to talk about ! Today's report discussed personal growth and the world political scene.
On other levels, Venus also "rules" money, and Pluto "rules" massive wealth. So we will also see massive shifts of wealth
(we already are) upward to those in authoritative positions and institutes/corporations financial, pharmaceutical,
and otherwise over these next few months.
You have to look where this falls in your chart to see where you might make some money !
On another level, Venus "rules" love and relationship.
This is a profoundly transformative time in our personal relationship realm
as Pluto also "rules" transformation, endings (including death), and rebirth
(as in beginning new, deeply transformative relationships with intense people!).
These next four months may bring the end of existing relationships that no longer serve
the evolutionary path of the souls involved. These endings will have a financial impact on the parties involved for either gain or loss.
Again, you need to look at your chart and meditate on your karma regarding these situations.
The main thing to remember where Pluto is involved is to remain in integrity,
as tempting as it is to try to get "your own way" in difficult situations, partings, and meetings.
Good luck, and may the force (ruled by Pluto) be with you !
You can't help but love this week's rendition of "Let the Sunshine In" by the 5th Dimension !, https://youtu.be/vbCH5lnZ6sA
Venus/Inanna Guided Meditation Into the Underworld: https://bit.ly/3GuF78D
Come to my workshop in PERU this February !! We are closing registrations on January 1 !
Save your spot now with only a $500 deposit and enjoy an extended early bird discount.
Sign up here: https://bit.ly/peru-workshop-2022
My new Book+Calendar is out! WHAT IS LOVE? https://bit.ly/what-is-love-book
⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter
Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel)
BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute
SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast
CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts
CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · ·
SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player.
*Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon.
Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon).
Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!
zaterdag 4 december 2021
Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 4th December 2021
221.025 weergaven, 20 nov. 2021, https://youtu.be/Iv6oMIr80rE
Pam Gregory, 180K abonnees
Pam talks about the astrological developments for the first half of December
and the Total Solar Eclipse on the 4th. What does this mean for you?
You can download a free birthchart from my website www.pamgregory.com,
then purchase this two-part tutorial video series that explains how
to find this points in your chart and what it means for you:
To report Pam Gregory Classic(s) (it is now operating under both names)
go to their Home Page, click on About, then on the right hand side
you will see a small flag, click on that and 'report user',
and click on 'impersonation'. Thank you so much!
vrijdag 3 december 2021
Astrology for the Soul December 1, 2021
Astrology for the Soul December 1, 2021
New Paradigm Astrology, 124K abonnees
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : "
Life is feeding me misinformation, So that I develop my intuition, In order to separate truth
from illusion, As the next phase of my evolution.
Pow POW POWERFUL SOLAR ECLIPSE in Sag opposite Black Moon Lilith this Friday!
Opening the door to radical, unexpected upsets bringing awareness !
Let's keep our heartminds OPEN!
How about that thumbnail? Which path do you think I took? Of course! I took the path with the heart
- the cardiac trail, HAHA! No bypassing! GET MY BOOK WHAT IS LOVE, https://bit.ly/what-is-love-book
Seriously though, as I spoke of in the report, we've got some karma to deal with as we attempt to
set off on our journey into a new paradigm. What's happening now is that the materialistic forces
(and people) are openly showing their agendas, goals, and motivations more than ever before.
You can always check my website under the "Resources" tab for links to further information
on a wide variety of topics. In addition, the VRevealed docuseries started last night.
Here is the link if you haven't signed up yet (free): https://vrevealed.com/c19/trailer/share
This week's song is the Ultimate, All You Need Is Love: https://youtu.be/_OuYLGHkrBk
Come to my workshop in PERU this February !! https://bit.ly/peru-workshop-2022
⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter
Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel)
BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute
SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast
CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts
CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · ·
*Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player.
*Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon.
Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC"
and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!
woensdag 1 december 2021
Astrology for the Soul November 24, 2021
Astrology for the Soul November 24, 2021
26.191 weergaven, 25 nov. 2021
New Paradigm Astrology, 124K abonnees
Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week :
"I feel fear, hurt, and misunderstanding, when losing family and friends. But I believe, trust, and share, that love will win in the end. "
Worth reiterating here after posting the Pele Report is just how healthy it is to feel our feelings! Whether they are fear, hurt, or confusion, our feelings tell us who we are in this moment as opposed to our egoic, mental constructions and imaginations portraying who we "think" we are or want to be ideally. It's good to start with the current reality so as to make progress toward the goal rather than deluding ourselves by telling ourselves (or suppressing ourselves) that we're something we're really not. The suggestion then is simply to not get stuck in these feelings but to realize that they are only a part of our totality. Knowing that we can feel afraid and then balance it with a feeling of love. We can feel a hurt and follow it up with an image/feeling/memory of power. We can feel our pain and then balance that with an image/feeling/memory or future plan of joy. On and on, let that teeter totter go up and down without stopping too long! May you have fun on the playground this week! Anybody in northern California wanna get together for some astrology and yoga next Saturday, December 11?? Come on over to Placerville! https://bit.ly/kaypacha-placerville-1... This week's song is by the Who, The Song Is Over: https://youtu.be/PpE5i0ad7nU
NEW !! Come to my workshop in PERU this February !! https://bit.ly/peru-workshop-2022
CHECK OUT OUR NEW STUFF TO SPREAD THE WORD ! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts
⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: http://bit.ly/npanewsletter Pele Soundtrack Playlist: http://bit.ly/pele-soundtrack TELEGRAM: https://t.me/newparadigmastrology (public channel)
BITCHUTE: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-bitchute
SPOTIFY PELE REPORT: http://bit.ly/kaypacha-podcast
CHECK OUT OUR GIFT STORE! https://bit.ly/astro-gifts CLOSING MUSIC: https://ScottHuckabay.com · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!
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