donderdag 23 september 2021

Astrology for the Soul September 22, 2021 New Paradigm Astrology, 123K abonnees, 18.291 weergaven, 22 sep. 2021. Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : “ There is an attack now taking place, on the entire human race, If I ignore, avoid or deny it, I will live and die in disgrace.” Welcome to Libra the Scales ! The mighty Sun is joining the warrior Mars in the sign of justice, law, equality, and diplomatic communication. Creating a grand trine with Saturn and the north node of the Moon, these planetary energies can assist us all in stepping up, stepping out, and speaking against medical and social injustices being pushed upon us. As I mention in the report, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but depending on the actions taken and/or the amount of inaction (action not taken) through the remainder of this year, 2022 will be presenting humanity with differing results ranging from regaining control of our lives to further catastrophes. It really is up to us. The results of continuing investigations into the "proprietary" (undisclosed) ingredients of the experimental injections reveal their ineffectiveness and that they are dangerous. Therefore, I strongly encourage you NOT to follow the dictates of the individuals, governments, and institutions primarily owned and controlled by those who do not have your health or best interests at heart. Below are links to help you build your immune system to not fall prey to the engineered "danger," protocols to simply and quickly heal if you do, and a protocol to assist you if you have fallen prey to the "powers that be." First of all, this week's song is "All Along the Watchtower." Let's all keep vigilant watch ! First, Dr. Zelenko provides both a prophylaxis (preventive) protocol and a treatment protocol here: Secondly, Gary Null has researched and put together a protocol to help you recover from the experiment. This is an excellent protocol to follow whether you have experienced symptoms yet or not: CHECK OUT OUR NEW STUFF TO SPREAD THE WORD !

vrijdag 17 september 2021

Astrology for the Soul September 15, 2021

Astrology for the Soul September 15, 2021, 17.833 weergaven, 15 sep. 2021 New Paradigm Astrology, 123K abonnees Kaypacha`s Mantra for the Week : “I see more clearly everyday, What freedom truly is. My body is my temple, Not a petri dish. This is a good week for critical thinking ! “ Critical thinking can lead to making critical choices. Critical choices around what relationships are feeding us, and what relationships are no longer assisting us on our evolutionary journey. This is a week probably best described as "get the house in order, company is coming !" The house can be our physical house, our physical body, our emotional body, and our mental body/thoughts. And of course, as the mantra reflects, we may also need to make a critical choice regarding our health. As always, the best choice is the natural choice, in alignment with natural law. Nature is healthy, spending time in nature, eating and drinking organic, natural foods and drinks, getting some natural exercise, and thinking about how to best live a natural life while taking steps to do it ! May you have a wonderful, natural week ! One last note is that I am also posting links for those who have taken alien elements into their bodies and wish to reduce their numbers and adverse side effects, re-purifying their systems. Please check them out under the Resources tab and stay tuned for more as I am constantly receiving new health protocols and putting them up ! This week's song is Wake Up ! 🌞 Come to my workshop in IBIZA this October !! 🦋 Come to my workshop in DUBAI this October !! For more astrology with Kaypacha visit: For info on the closing music: Listen to Pele Reports and more of Kaypacha's astrology on Spotify ! · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!

Sun–Neptune–Pluto Activation: Accelerating and Surrendering [Astrology N...

Sun–Neptune–Pluto Activation: Accelerating and Surrendering [Astrology Numerology Forecast] Tania Gabrielle, 56,9K abonnees FREE Training - "Discover Your Divine Blueprint” ► Subscribe to FREE Weekly *Star Code* Forecast ► Listen to FREE SEPTEMBER 2021 Forecast Excerpt: ► FREE Webinar "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine ► *************************************************************** A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results. ************************* ********************************** Tania's Vlog & Blog ► #starcodeshow #taniagabrielle #astrologynumerology #weeklyastrologynumerology #numerologyfullmoon

donderdag 9 september 2021

Astrology for the Soul September 8, 2021

Astrology for the Soul September 8, 2021 New Paradigm Astrology, 122K abonnees Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week : “Relationship is the garden, where love is planted and grows. It both takes and gives the water of life, And tells the truth I need to know.” Whew! It feels like I did one of these yesterday. The time is flying by so fast. This morning I lay in bed far too long trying to think up a mantra because it just wasn't coming. Finally, I got up to do my yoga, and rather than put on my regular chants, I thought I would try something different. I went to Spotify and put on the "428HZ Frequency Healing Meditation Music." WOW, dropped down into the heart space, let go of the mind (got the image of the mind as the train running over the egg), and truly "felt." . Such a Mercury opposite Chiron (today) experience ! To stay in that heart space and feel, I knew I had to keep the computer and phone off, slow down (even walking down the stairs slower), and not start thinking ahead to all that needed to get done today. I watched myself and focused on surrender, letting go, and listening to the sounds of nature all around me. I know the world is in crisis, and I don't wish to avoid or deny it. Yet my own growth and evolution involves developing the discipline necessary to balance the "inner" with the "outer," living, and paying equal attention to both the "periphery" and the "center." I don't know about you, but I can get "out there," and it's good to come home. Blessings on your heart and all your relations. In Lak'ech. 1. For info on Kaypacha, his newsletter, workshops, the New Paradigm School of Astrology, and/or kundalini yoga visit: 2. Thanks, Daniel Watts, for the closing artwork! Check out more of his work on IG! The closing music is by Scott: 3. This week's music selection is "Echoes" Live at Pompei: Secondly, check out Steve Winwood's "Mr. Fantasy" 4. Listen to Pele Reports and more of Kaypacha's astrology on Spotify! · · SUBTITLES *Want subtitles in English? Press the "CC" icon at the bottom of the video player. *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate "CC" by pressing on the icon. Then click on "Settings" (next to the "CC" icon). Select "Subtitles/CC" and then "Auto-translate" and find your language!