zaterdag 18 november 2017

Make Viral! In depth Interview with ALKESH About Comet Ison and THE EVENT!

Make Viral! In depth Interview
with ALKESH About Comet Ison and THE EVENT! by
Maarten Horst (2.7 K subscribers )
on 4 Febr. 2014. Length 2 hr 40 min. 71,447 views Today, 83 comments.

-This is the second, in depth interview with ALKESH-



ALKESH explains in detail. Listen very carefully! Note there was an interview
before this one:

It all started with this video:

During the last show on Sunday, ALKESH and I made an in-depth interview and
went deeper into the information the the mothership ANAIS has given him and shared
details about The Event and how Comet Ison will trigger it.

See More at:

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donderdag 9 november 2017

Astrology for the Soul November 8, 2017

Astrology for
the Soul,  November 8, 2017

Published on 8 Nov. 2017

Kaypacha`s Mantra for the week :

“When it costs more than I can afford and I'm looking for the exit
door, Life may be forcing me to find,more in me to "tow the line."

In Evolutionary/New Paradigm astrology, Pluto and Scorpio symbolize the force
of evolution. Evolution can be nasty, hard business. It takes us up and out of
our comfort zone, the known, familiar, power and control that we build up and
constantly humbles us by showing us there is always more. Somebody or something
that we can't control, that can hurt us, that we can't figure out, the mystery
of Life and Death and more.

Yet, just as the predator helps the prey evolve, all external sources that have
the power to destroy us simultaneously are our greatest teachers. They force us
to summon within ourselves ever deeper and stronger desires, passion, and will
to survive and potentially thrive. To "tow the line," means to pull
our weight or more, like tugboats towing a barge.

While battling forces beyond our control is not the only way to evolve, sadly
enough, we can be a complacent species content with mediocrity sometimes to the
point of complacency and resistance to evolving. The infinite intelligence of
the universe measures out the exact amount of pain necessary to wake us to the
deeper intention of our life in these bodies. While it often appears unfair,
unjust, and cruel, in humbled awareness of the greater whole, it can be seen as
perfect. May you experience the humbled awareness that allows you to see that

more astrology:

more end music: www.ScottHuckabay,com