Thank You Beloved Nhandi Tapasyogi & All Beloved Friends & Cocreators ♥ ƸӜƷ Thank You for Sharing the Radiance & Beauty of Your Being ♥ ƸӜƷ We Do Need To Get Together as ONE in Action for Freedom of Greed, Malnutrition , Poverty & Male Dominance ) •.ƸӜƷ✰ LOVE Is my Religion & the Earth Is my Church ♥ ◠‿◠) ☼ ღ ☆ We Are The Family of Divine Love & Light ღ☆☼⋰ ⋮ ⋱ ƸӜƷ I am so Gratefull for All of our Awakened Ones Amongst Us ƸӜƷ ✲*✽ We Are Breathing as ONE Heart with Mother Earth & Shining in the Light of the Galactic Sun ☼ ღ¸☆♥ ☼ (¯`♥´¯) Weaving our World through Caring & Sharing in Peace & Humbleness , Joy & Truth & Freedom `. ♥ . ღ¸.•*¨♥`•..¸ƸӜƷ ¤ I am so Happy to Have Found You My Awesome Family of Love & Light ♥ ღ☆ Infinite ᏝᎧᏉᏋ & Light ⁀♥ ° ☼ ღ¸☆☼ & Rainbowblessings to U ´°•.•.¸ღ¸☆ ♥ •¨`*♫ ♥ ˚☆♪♫•.¸¸.•♪♫♪ WE ARE ALL ONE & CONNECTED •.♥♫♡ May All the Beings in All the Worlds Join Hands in Sacred Prayer & Action for Peace & All Things Good ƸӜƷ• ڿڰ ಌ In Lak`ech Ala Kìn. ⁀♥ ° Aum Namah Shivaya . ☼ ღ¸☆☼ I AM. ♥ OM Shanti. Om Sai Ram. OM [♥] [♥]♥ಌ ڿڰ N ░ A ░ M ░ A ░ S░ T ░ E ڿڰ ಌ ♥ [♥] [♥] [♥]
Dear Friends & Cocreators. We Are The Ones We Are Waiting For. Take Part In the Needed Changes in this World. See Global PEACE is Our Common Goal and the People`s Right to Free & Enduring Energy, Organic Food, Housing & Healthcare For Sunday Sept 21st , Peoples Climate March in the Netherlands : Shared with Love & Peace in Unity. We Are All ONE & All is Interconnected. I Am. & Drunvalo Melchizedek `s very informative video : Wired For Success TV [Episode 91]
October 4th, 2014, Humanity`s Team, A Vision for Flowing with Change.We see a world where we no longer react, but respond, to the changes in our lives; where our emotions are much more stable than they have been in the past; where we embrace all our emotions instead of avoiding them; where violence and aggression are no longer a part of our lives; and where we approach our changes gracefully by simply observing them - while, at the same time, we remain alert and doing whatever is necessary to insure the safety and sanctity of ourselves, our loved ones, and everyone around us. Ultimately, we see all people coming to realize that every change we go through is an opportunity for us to withhold our knee-jerk reactions, look at things from a higher perspective, and raise our awareness to a plateau where we know that we are One with all and everything. The changes we have learned to flow with have taken us to a place within ourselves where we know that all is well, regardless of the circumstances around us. --The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project P.S.Action Alert: Scientists, notables and common citizens are sharing we are all connected, we are all One, but how do we manifest this timeless truth into our everyday lives? Please register to participate in Global Oneness Day, Friday, October 24th and we will awaken humanity together: Spanish Translation Una Visión para Fluir con el Cambio Vemos un mundo donde ya no reaccionamos, sino que respondemos, a los cambios en nuestras vidas; donde nuestras emociones son mucho más estables de lo que han sido en el pasado; donde acogemos a todas nuestras emociones en vez de evitarlas; donde la violencia y la agresión no son más una parte de nuestras vidas; y donde abordamos nuestros cambios con gallardía simplemente observándolos - mientras que, al mismo tiempo, nos mantenemos alerta y haciendo lo que sea necesario para mantener nuestra integridad y santidad, así como de nuestros seres queridos y de todo el mundo a nuestro alrededor. En última instancia, vemos a toda la gente llegar a darse cuenta de que cada cambio por el que pasamos es una oportunidad para que suspendamos nuestras reacciones instintivas, veamos las cosas desde una perspectiva superior, y elevemos nuestra conciencia a un nivel en el que sabemos que somos Uno con todos y con todo. Los cambios con los que hemos aprendido a fluir nos han llevado a un lugar dentro de nosotros, donde sabemos que todo está bien, independientemente de las circunstancias a nuestro alrededor. --Los Precursores del Bien Supremo; Proyecto Alineación de la Visión P.D. Alerta de Acción: Científicos, personalidades y ciudadanos comunes comparten la idea de que todos estamos conectados, de que todos somos Uno, pero ¿cómo manifestamos esta verdad intemporal en nuestras vidas diarias? Por favor, regístrate para participar en el Día de la Unidad Global, el viernes, 24 de octubre y vamos a despertar a la humanidad juntos:
anne, you are a beautiful radiant being! thank you for being whom you are!:) nandhi
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank You Beloved Nhandi Tapasyogi & All Beloved Friends & Cocreators ♥ ƸӜƷ Thank You for Sharing the Radiance & Beauty of Your Being ♥ ƸӜƷ We Do Need To Get Together as ONE in Action for Freedom of Greed, Malnutrition , Poverty & Male Dominance ) •.ƸӜƷ✰ LOVE Is my Religion & the Earth Is my Church ♥ ◠‿◠) ☼ ღ ☆ We Are The Family of Divine Love & Light ღ☆☼⋰ ⋮ ⋱ ƸӜƷ I am so Gratefull for All of our Awakened Ones Amongst Us ƸӜƷ ✲*✽ We Are Breathing as ONE Heart with Mother Earth & Shining in the Light of the Galactic Sun ☼ ღ¸☆♥ ☼ (¯`♥´¯) Weaving our World through Caring & Sharing in Peace & Humbleness , Joy & Truth & Freedom `. ♥ . ღ¸.•*¨♥`•..¸ƸӜƷ ¤ I am so Happy to Have Found You My Awesome Family of Love & Light ♥ ღ☆ Infinite ᏝᎧᏉᏋ & Light ⁀♥ ° ☼ ღ¸☆☼ & Rainbowblessings to U ´°•.•.¸ღ¸☆ ♥ •¨`*♫ ♥ ˚☆♪♫•.¸¸.•♪♫♪ WE ARE ALL ONE & CONNECTED •.♥♫♡ May All the Beings in All the Worlds Join Hands in Sacred Prayer & Action for Peace & All Things Good ƸӜƷ• ڿڰ ಌ In Lak`ech Ala Kìn. ⁀♥ ° Aum Namah Shivaya . ☼ ღ¸☆☼ I AM. ♥ OM Shanti. Om Sai Ram. OM
BeantwoordenVerwijderen[♥] [♥]♥ಌ ڿڰ N ░ A ░ M ░ A ░ S░ T ░ E ڿڰ ಌ ♥ [♥] [♥] [♥]
Dear Friends & Cocreators. We Are The Ones We Are Waiting For. Take Part In the Needed Changes in this World. See Global PEACE is Our Common Goal and the People`s Right to Free & Enduring Energy, Organic Food, Housing & Healthcare For Sunday Sept 21st , Peoples Climate March in the Netherlands : Shared with Love & Peace in Unity. We Are All ONE & All is Interconnected. I Am. & Drunvalo Melchizedek `s very informative video : Wired For Success TV [Episode 91]
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOctober 4th, 2014, Humanity`s Team, A Vision for Flowing with Change.We see a world where we no longer react, but respond, to the changes in our lives; where our emotions are much more stable than they have been in the past; where we embrace all our emotions instead of avoiding them; where violence and aggression are no longer a part of our lives; and where we approach our changes gracefully by simply observing them - while, at the same time, we remain alert and doing whatever is necessary to insure the safety and sanctity of ourselves, our loved ones, and everyone around us.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenUltimately, we see all people coming to realize that every change we go through is an opportunity for us to withhold our knee-jerk reactions, look at things from a higher perspective, and raise our awareness to a plateau where we know that we are One with all and everything. The changes we have learned to flow with have taken us to a place within ourselves where we know that all is well, regardless of the circumstances around us.
--The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project
P.S.Action Alert: Scientists, notables and common citizens are sharing we are all connected, we are all One, but how do we manifest this timeless truth into our everyday lives? Please register to participate in Global Oneness Day, Friday, October 24th and we will awaken humanity together:
Spanish Translation
Una Visión para Fluir con el Cambio
Vemos un mundo donde ya no reaccionamos, sino que respondemos, a los cambios en nuestras vidas; donde nuestras emociones son mucho más estables de lo que han sido en el pasado; donde acogemos a todas nuestras emociones en vez de evitarlas; donde la violencia y la agresión no son más una parte de nuestras vidas; y donde abordamos nuestros cambios con gallardía simplemente observándolos - mientras que, al mismo tiempo, nos mantenemos alerta y haciendo lo que sea necesario para mantener nuestra integridad y santidad, así como de nuestros seres queridos y de todo el mundo a nuestro alrededor.
En última instancia, vemos a toda la gente llegar a darse cuenta de que cada cambio por el que pasamos es una oportunidad para que suspendamos nuestras reacciones instintivas, veamos las cosas desde una perspectiva superior, y elevemos nuestra conciencia a un nivel en el que sabemos que somos Uno con todos y con todo. Los cambios con los que hemos aprendido a fluir nos han llevado a un lugar dentro de nosotros, donde sabemos que todo está bien, independientemente de las circunstancias a nuestro alrededor.
--Los Precursores del Bien Supremo; Proyecto Alineación de la Visión
P.D. Alerta de Acción: Científicos, personalidades y ciudadanos comunes comparten la idea de que todos estamos conectados, de que todos somos Uno, pero ¿cómo manifestamos esta verdad intemporal en nuestras vidas diarias? Por favor, regístrate para participar en el Día de la Unidad Global, el viernes, 24 de octubre y vamos a despertar a la humanidad juntos: